Rack Cards

Awareness information
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Alaska is mostly federally managed land

Most people aren’t aware that more than half of Alaska is federally managed land. This card was created to bring awareness to this fact, additionally, the goal was to show the areas of concern addressed by the Citizen’s Advisory Commission on Federal Areas (CACFA). The design of the rack card portrays simplicity with the idea of the “simple truth” needing to be shared. This card was one of a series.

Rack Card Project Goals
  • Bring awareness to the federal overreach of Alaska’s land management.
  • Part of a series of informational cards
  • To be housed in a rack card display in the State Land Management office.

The goal of the 4″x9″ rack cards in this project was to raise awareness of the quantity and management of federal lands in Alaska, as well as sharing the information on a recently held summit. The front side of the rack card explains the topic and purpose of the card and includes contact information for the Commission. While the back side highlights the areas needing to be addressed regarding federal land regulations in Alaska. This card was only used in an informational print capacity for those who went into the State Land Management office. Because it was an informational piece and was going to be displayed with other informational pieces, they were created as rack cards for the convenient size and ability to have numerous pieces displayed in a small space.

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